Okay..and here's the story about drinking Bird's Nest. This is a real drink that is made from boiling a bird's nest found in Vietnam. Yes, I said boiling a bird's nest. The story is that the saliva that comes from the bird's mouth when building the nest is absorbed and by boiling it, the extract is released and is very nutrient filled. I've got to say, it was refreshing and delicious. So, there's one more thing to add to my, "I've never tried that before." list.
Here's a quick update on my travels. I flew from Hanoi to HCM yesterday. The minute I left the airport I could feel the vibe of this city and it was energetic. I learned that there are 18 million people living in Vietnam and 8 million of them live in Saigon. Here's another quick fact--There are over 5 million motor bikes in HCM alone. Until you have the opportunity to see what 5 million motor bikes in one city looks like you almost can't even imagine it, but let me help you try by sharing the advice that I received from a colleage before traveling to this country for the first time. When I told him that I would be going to HCM city he looked me straight in the eye and said, "Do you know how to cross the street in Ho Chi Minh city?" And I replied, "No." (Obviously..but a rhetorical response seemed necessary.) And with a no-nonsense look on his face he told me, "You just close your eyes and walk." I grinned. A big grin. I found this commentary humorous. He just looked at me and said, "I mean this seriously." He was right.
So, I find myself back in this vibrant city and and I couldn't have receieved a more hospitable welcome from Ana and Mr. Piet, the parents of Tina Nguyen, an '08 international student alumni of Augsburg. They have taken me to eat food I would have never tasted....A vietnamese pancake, coconut milk with jelly, snail stuffed with ground pork, cuddlefish, iced tea, and more. I have been eating more than any person should EVER eat, but it seems outlandish NOT to while I am here. They have taken me to the countryside, they have helped me bargain in the market, they set up appointments for me to meet with advisors and prospective students. They have welcomed me to their country and they have not accepted one penny from me. They refuse. I am humbled.
The city is constantly in motion, at all hours of the day. I am amazed at how people don't have more accidents or knock each other over while driving. Literally. Remember readers....8 million people in one city with more than 5 million motor bikes. This does not include cars, taxi's, buses, etc. I am amazed.
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